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It’s lunchtime which normally makes students rowdy. I can understand the raucous because who wants to cut down on the minute amount of free time that they have. However, lunch should not be an excuse to disrespect the teacher. Mrs. Snow tries to understand them on a personal level, but I can tell that she feels discouraged when she notices that someone is talking on the phone or discussing random airdrops instead of working. Since each child is working on a different task than the other, it takes her a while to realize when someone is not doing the assigned work. When she does notice this behavior, she immediately threatens to send the student to the office, but she never follows through with it. I can tell that she says this often because the students are not daunted by her threat of punishment. She moves distractive students around the classroom but the disruptions do not cease. 

Contemplative questions:

How does a teacher gain mutual respect in the classroom?

How can disruptions be stopped without threatening students with the ultimate punishment, being sent to the office?

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