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Mrs. Snow has wanted me to talk about college and the Accuplacer for about three weeks now. She requested materials for it but she has not received any yet. The students say that they do not know what the Accuplacer is and there seems to be a lack of communication between them and their graduation coach because they did not know that they are required to take it until today. Maybe Mrs. Snow is saying that it is required for her class and not the school. I want to tell them as much as possible about the application process as possible because I know that it was intimidating to complete college applications without prior knowledge. I want to tell them about college life so that they don’t underestimate the workload and get excited for the next chapter of their lives. I want to tell them about the tests they need to take to get in and how to study for them, so that they do not have to take them multiple times. I don’t want them to feel discouraged from going to college if that is what they want to do and I don’t want them to worry about spending money on studying materials so I am going to find some online studying tools for them to use. Hopefully Mrs. Snow will get the materials soon so that I can talk to them before the Accuplacer.

Contemplative Question:

Should you require your students to take an exam that they may not need to take?

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