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Mrs. Cayman has not returned yet. I have not returned to her class since the first time that I went, but I have thought about going there because their work is related to my major. Two girls came from Mrs. Cayman's class and claimed that "we not doing nothing in there anyways." They gossiped about how Celia's baby father said that he doesn't care about the baby anymore. This riled Celia up and the other students became distracted. Normally Mrs. Snow tries to lend an ear, but today was not one of those normal days. Some kids came to class to catch up on their work, possibly a month's worth of work. She was trying to catch them up on tests and other material that they need to complete to leave the class. Celia is very irritable and seems to be the most effected of all of the students since Mrs. Snow changed her approach to maintaining an authoritative presence in the classroom. The students who come to Mrs. Snow's class view her as their peer and respect her as much as they respect each other. Sometimes this seems like a good thing but at other times it seems like they take everything that she says as a joke. They do not take her serious when she tells them to follow the rules. 

Contemplative Question:

What can be done to increase the mutual respect that they have for one another?

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