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As I walked into the front office to log-in I noticed a girl sitting behind the desk. She was furious, crying about some situation. An adult who I assumed was the school counselor was speaking with her. She was not trying to shut her up or threaten her. She was actually trying to understand the issue and comfort the girl. She was calm and allowed the girl to speak, crying and all. I like the way that the situation was handled because I have seen many adults talk over children without giving them a chance to speak. I could tell that this method would no work well with the current situation, which would most likely escalate if the counselor was not calm. I realized that by being calm and listening to the student you are telling them that they matter to you. This also gives them a chance to think about their actions and talk about their emotions without fear of judgement. Talking over them will make them stifle their emotions until they explode in anger. A student asked for my help today, his name is Matt. While I helped him with his work, he explained that he wants to go to the Marines. He bikes to school everyday and excercises at the gym to prepare for basic training. He also bikes during the winter so that he won't arrive two hours early at school, which is when the bus would take him. He plans on using the GI Bill to go to college and savings to live comfortably. I hope that he gets the life that he wants.

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