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With only two weeks left of tutoring, I believe it is safe to say that Mrs. Snow’s dream of informing her seniors on the Accuplacer and college life, will not come to fruition. This may be because she never received the materials or some other reason unbeknownst to me. Mrs. Snow wants to reach all of her students, but she feels overwhelmed by the class structure that she has. She says that she volunteered to help with freshmen this year and in doing so she unknowingly transformed her last two periods from face-to-face classes to labs. This leaves her with little time for instruction since everyone in the class is on different subjects in the classroom. She feels like some of the students are being left behind so she tells them to come to Saturday school. She uses Saturday school as a way to help them with their work in a more engaging manner. She says that she plans on changing the class back to how it was before, so that she can have a bigger impact on all of her students. The freshmen are from Clarke Central High School and Mrs. Snow and the Classic City students believe that they cause disruptions to gain attention or status at their new school. Mrs. Snow has given up on them and she constantly sends them to the back of the classroom or gives them detention.

Contemplative Question:

How can a teacher help transfers transition into their class and the new social scene at school?

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