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As I walked down the stairs, I caught a big whiff of lemon Pine-sol. I met the janitor in charge of keeping the building clean. She was shuffling through songs as I walked down the hall to Mrs. Snows room. I realized that I did not hear much talking coming from the end of the hallway and the lady kindly told me that Mrs. Snow was not present. She pointed me to the classroom next to Mrs.Snow's room, where the students were placed. Mrs. Snow told the students that they would have to complete a project for class, but they have not started on it. Thinking back, I believe that the project was leverage to keep them quiet because she would only remind them of it when they began to get loud and rowdy. She also only offered the projects to the students that were done with all of their classwork, who were normally the disruptors of the classroom. None of the seniors were in class today even though some of them still have work left to do. None of the students in the class worked on their work today. There were no laptops present which made the classroom feel more comfortable than it normally does. The students spent most of the time joking around and talking to the substitute today. It is truly the end of the school year now. Today was also my last day, but I did not have the opportunity to say goodbye to Mrs. Snow, Celia, or Matt. I waited in the hallway for Mrs. Jackson to come out of a classroom so that she could make a copy of sign-in sheet. I talked to the janitor as I waited and realized that she thought I was a student at the school. She asked me what school I went to and was surprised to hear that I was a sophomore in college. She said "you don't look like you would fit in here." She explained that the children are bad and that she does not understand them. Around the time she said those things, Mrs. Jackson came out and lead me to the office. As we walked to the printer she asked "are you sure that you want to be a teacher?." I was caught off guard by the question but I assured her that I still wanted to be a teacher. Her and the janitor both exchanged a laugh about how young and hopeful I was about teaching kids.

     Overall, I enjoyed my time at Classic City High School. Without this experience I would be nervous about heading into the world of education. This has given me incite into the complexity of maintaining a balanced classroom. It has also made me think about ways that I can build a healthy relationship with my future students and help them to succeed in class. I would love to return to this school again as I am sure I would experience new things if I did.

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