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I have returned to Mrs. Snow’s class today. Only six students have come to class today. Mrs. Snow looked for them before saying that she was giving them detention. One of the student’s realized that a question on the quiz was not related to the class material. Another student took a coordinate algebra test, and around 4 or 5 of the questions were related to social studies. “Why is Brown v. The Board of Education on this test?” The exacts same question is present in the other tests so “it must be a glitch” as Mrs. Snow says. The dynamics of the class have changed since I left. Mrs. Snow found that some of the laptops were dirty and sticky after class on Monday, so she changed her policy on eating food in her class. The students are highly offended by this decree because according to them, the “are not the ones who dirtied the laptops.” Some of them don’t eat outside of Mrs. Snow’s class so I can understand the outrage, but if Mrs. Snow’s lenient rules had been respected instead of overlooked then this may not have occurred. It doesn’t sit well with me that everyone has to be punished for the actions of the few, so I would try to implement a rule that possible protects the laptops and allows hungry students to eat. I would create a designated area, away from important objects, which could be easily cleaned up.

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