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I arrived at Classic City High School right after the lunch period. I noticed that many students still eat after lunch is over. This is surprising considering that the last memory I have of being allowed to eat in class is from my time in elementary school. Mrs. Snow provides apples and tangerines, popcorn and salad so that the kids can gain nutrients while getting full. She also offered nature valley bars but only a select few would eat those, so they normally stay in the basket on her desk. The students love her for this and it looks like a great way to encourage healthy eating habits. I believe that we often forget that it takes more than great test scores to be a “good” teacher an make a positive impact on students. Mrs. Stagg allows them to be who they are, and in return they complete their assignments and bring notes that they took at home. Someone came to visit Mrs. Snow today. I believe that he is a former student. One of the students let him in the side door, so he did not sign in at the front desk. Mrs. Jackson called to ask of his whereabouts.

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